Childe Of Arcadia
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Poems, etc.

Words to Inspire

To realize freedom, the mind has to look at life, which is a vast movement without freedom lies beyond the field of consciousness. Watch but don't interpret, "I am free" - then you're living in a memory of something that has gone. To understand and love "now", everything of yesterday must die.

Also, to express yourself in freedom, you must die to everything in yesterday. From the "old" you derive security; from the "new" you gain the flow.

-Bruce Lee

In quiet you will know beauty, in beauty you will know truth, in truth you will know love, in love you will know quiet.
My children, my creations, my beautiful things.
Watch and listen, listen and watch.
Use your sight, to see the truth in beauty.
Use your speed, to stay still.
Use your beauty, to know truth.
My children, my creations, gentle roses all.
I have called for your sculpture.
I have called for your pictures.
I have called for your song.
I have called for your dancing.
Beautiful children, beautiful creations.
Gold is not as precious, Honey not as sweet,
Milk not as pure
Like the tiger, you bite; Like the hawk, you dive; Like the cat, you stalk.
Beautiful Predators! Sweet Succubi! Daring Incubi!
Taste virgin's blood and find bliss!
Find your greatest part of Joy,
Follow your greatest part of Joy,
and know that i watch you, enthralled,
my children, my creations,
my beautiful ones.

-The Book Of Nod, White Wolf Publishing


Denied thoughts, broken dreams
things aren't always what they seem
Hide yourself beneath the earth
Peculiar traits come from your birth
Keep yourself, don't let them know
Take from them, let their blood flow

Lost from the beginning, no one cares
All you get are dumbfounded stares
Hide yourself in a shroud of night
All your desires locked up tight
You can't give up, you've got to fight
Lose ahold of nothing, not your true sight

Take your travels through the chasms
choking sobs, heartwrenching spasms
Hide yourself behind the mask
Is this world real? Don't bother to ask
Take the glass and cut my wrist
I know that now I won't be missed
Say goodbye the world is gone
It's ended with the first rays of dawn

-Chad, written March 2002

I am just a doll to them
I am not real, I don't exist
These tears aren't real, this heart doesn't beat
I do not bleed, I don't feel pain
All I know is lonliness
Wish that I could escape this place
Wish that I could be erased
If only I could find some peace
Then this lonliness would cease
But alas, I find that's not to be
For who could love a doll like me?

-Chad, written 2002

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